This tool safeguards your privacy by scrambling identification codes, such as GUID/Unique ID numbers, found on your computer. Many applications in Windows use a "product ID number," "GUID," or "Unique ID number." These codes are often consistent across Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and even the operating system itself. As these codes remain unchanged, they can be exploited by malicious individuals or advertising companies to track your activities, potentially through a harmful website's ActiveX control or Java applet.
ID-Blaster Plus helps you to destroy tracking tactics by randomizing GUID/Unique ID numbers found on your computer.
In Windows, many applications have something called a "product ID number", a "GUID" or a "Unique ID number". This number may be the same throughout Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player - even the operating system itself.
Since this number nevers changes, it would be the perfect way a malicious person or even an advertising company could track your habits - perhaps through a malicious website ActiveX control, or Java applet.